sábado, 27 de mayo de 2017


    El pasado día 23 de mayo nos reunimos los alumnos y profesores de la Escuela para que los demás, y no sólo nuestras clases, pudieran escuchar nuestros cuentos. La experiencia fue muy enriquecedora y clarificadora para los profesores: esperamos se lo hayan pasado bien, y con ganas de repetir el año próximo...
  Adjunto algunos enlaces a fotos del "festival ". Foto 1 - Foto 2 - Foto 3 -Foto 4"
  ¡Gracias a todos vosotros por el trabajo y por las ganas de contar cuentos!.

sábado, 29 de abril de 2017

Historias de los estudiantes.

 El Proyecto va avanzando, y ya os podéis acercar a vuestros cuentos a través del siguiente enlace: CUENTOS ALUMNOS E.O.I DE LA GOMERA 2016 - 2017.

 !Gracias a todos por vuestro trabajo!

martes, 1 de noviembre de 2016

Una aventura en la E.O.I de La Gomera


        Hemos empezado todos juntos una nueva aventura con el 'storytelling' en la Escuela. Aunque llevemos poco tiempo con el proyecto, lo que se pretende hacer aquí, es hacer visible la idea desde el principio y que Vds. participen de ella.

  Our Project would have as its main guideline the increase in oral skills from our student, production as well as comprehension.
  Taking into account the European character of the projects, it has been considered that dealing with local oral tradition and legends to be conveyed beyond our national borders, will be an optimal focus. This will go in both way, and bringing back to La Gomera English language oral traditions from Europe. Story telling has been considered as an activity that will accomplish these aims in the most suitable way: improvement in oral skills ,knowledge and exchange of domestic oral traditions from other countries. Eventually, students will be able to enhance their speaking abilities mainly by story telling, without disregarding the impact on writing skills.
  The stages of the project will consist of the following stages: 1.- Research and collection of Oral tradition legends from la Gomera.2.- Training program in a European institution ( United Kingdom ) to acquire the necessary skills. 3.-  Include the  knowledge acquired in the School teaching program and release it to the other schools and high school with the aid from the Teachers Support Centre ( Centro de Profesores ).4.- Ellaboration of an activity guide.
      Eventually ,there should be an increase in the motivation and abilities of the student dealing with oral skills and with writing skills as well. Its direct traslation will be a project in which in a short and middle term basis will be able to carry out a story telling activity from its design in writing to its final production. In the long run , unquestionably it will show in a greater confidence in oral production skills.